Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) In Vocational and Higher Education!

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) In Vocational and Higher Education!


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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) In Vocational and Higher Education!

Vice Chancellor's Message

I take pride as the Founding Vice-Chancellor in introducing you to Shri Vishwakarma Skill University (SVSU) – India’s very first Skill University. While India has some of the very best academic institutions in the world, the skilling has remained an unchartered territory for the last few decades. Our ancient civilisation had thrived on the skills of our ancestors, which bestowed global recognition on India.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

"Empowering Lifelong Learners, Recognizing Diverse Skills, and Catalyzing Career Progression."

"Enabling Seamless Pathways for Skills Recognition and Lifelong Learning through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana."

“Creating a robust and ethical Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system that benefits learners, industries, and the community at large”

“Establish a comprehensive Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) framework that benefits learners, promotes lifelong learning, and fosters a skilled and employable workforce”

RPL Initiatives
“RPL initiatives to create a supportive and dynamic environment that encourages learners to leverage their prior learning and make informed choices in their educational and career paths.”

What will you learn after the RPL course?.

Benifits and Outcomes of the RPL Program

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Advanced Standing:

Learners who successfully complete the RPL process will receive advanced standing in their chosen higher education or vocational programs. This means they will be exempted from certain courses or modules and can progress faster in their studies.

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Specialized Skills:

RPL recognizes learners' existing skills and competencies, allowing them to focus on acquiring more specialized and advanced skills in their field of interest. This enables learners to enhance their expertise and gain a deeper understanding of their chosen subjects..

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Formal Recognition:

The RPL process provides formal recognition of learners' prior learning experiences, whether acquired through formal education, work experience, or other non-formal channels. This recognition adds value to their qualifications and enhances their employability.

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Enhanced Employability:

By recognizing and validating prior learning, RPL equips learners with a comprehensive skill set that is relevant to the job market. This enhances their employability and makes them attractive candidates to potential employers.

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Career Advancement:

RPL can open up new opportunities for career advancement and professional growth. Learners can leverage their recognized prior learning to take on more challenging roles within their industries or pursue higher-level positions.

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Personal Growth and Confidence:

Going through the RPL process can be a transformative experience for learners. Recognizing their prior learning achievements boosts learners' confidence, self-esteem, and sense of accomplishment..

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Lifelong Learning Mindset:

RPL fosters a culture of lifelong learning. Learners who undergo RPL are more likely to continue seeking learning opportunities and upskilling throughout their careers.

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Networking and Industry Connections:

During the RPL process, learners may interact with assessors, industry experts, and employers. These interactions can lead to valuable networking opportunities and industry connections.

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Tailored Learning Pathways:

RPL allows learners to follow customized learning pathways that cater to their individual needs and goals. They can focus on specific areas of interest, aligning their education with their career aspirations.

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Flexibility and Adaptability:

Learners who undergo RPL develop a strong sense of adaptability and flexibility in their learning approach. They can transition between different educational settings and adapt to new challenges effectively.

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Confidence in Skill Assessment:

Through the RPL process, learners gain insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This self-awareness empowers learners to build on their strengths and address any skill gaps.

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Contribution to Skill Development:

By recognizing prior learning, SVSU acknowledges the value of diverse skills acquired through various means. This contributes to a more inclusive and holistic approach to skill development.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at SVSU

Why Choose RPL at SVSU

Skill Oriented Courses

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Skill Faculties
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Skill Oriented & Courses
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Placements & Alumni
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Industry Integration and MOUs